Uma Nota Culture and Showzaço present João Sabiá live in Toronto!
Direct from Copcabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, João Sabiá is coming to show you what VENENO VENENOSO means. It translates as “poisonous poison” but you won’t understand it completely until you hear it! The best of samba/rock/soul fusion!
ABOUT THE ARTIST: The singer and writer João Sabiá was born in Copacabana. The rhythm Sambalanço was the starting point of his music career. However, during this journey other influences such as Samba, Bossa Nova, Soul Music and Jazz contributed to a more sophisticated and colourful aesthetics.
For the last ten years, João had built a consistent career as an MPB singer, including four albums and tours over Brazil, Europe and Indonesia.
Featuring an opening set by local favourite Carla Dias and DJ Dr. Alex!